15 April 2016


DISCLAIMER - If you are offended or don't like reading a blog with a few profanities (or what I like to call 'Sentenance Enhancers) This blog post is NOT for you....

I wasn't going to blog this layout at all, but after some negative feedback I decided I wanted to talk about why this layout was important to me & my reason to share it.
I will say a lot of it was positive feedback, but a few 'precious' people voiced their dislike for it. But hey that's great, you don't like it - KEEP SCROLLING!!!
You do not HAVE to make any comments, the power is your hands - just keep going!!!

I created this after a really crappy day, this is just what my creative soul needed. A chance to breathe, escape & recover. It was a day that I struggled to be the mum I need to be. It sometimes it just feels like falling down hole, spinning out of control. I do not like days like this at all. But I needed to remind myself that "I am enough".

I needed to create. I needed to express my emotions. I needed to let go.
This layout allowed me to do so. I shared incase other people needed to hear a message of self worth. That's it's ok to be you. Cause you are bloody awesome!!

I've been scrapbooking for well over 12 years & I do not want to fit into the mould
that people tell me I need to, to make it anywhere in this industry. 
I create for ME. It's a release for ME. I create to only please MYSELF.

Yes I have an scrapbooking embellishment business, which my personality
SHINES through brightly. I don't have to make them like every other every other company.
Everyday isn't unicorns farting fucking rainbows or even just happy embellishments fullstop.
It is real life that I want to document, not put on a facade & make my life look super glittery
& fake. Ok that's probably enough of my ramblings, here is what I created :)

Products I have used:
White C/S
Black thread
AC Thickers 
Gel Medium
HS Colorshine
Posca Paint pen

From Flutterby Designs:
'Flutter Colour Paint'
'Wild Bohemian' Everyday Etc Cards
'Wild Bohemian' Page Tabs
'Fuck' Wood Veneer
Enamel dots
Flair button from set no.279


  1. The title of your post intrigued me so much that I had to come and take a look and I must say .. I love it!! Good for you for posting this Anita. Our art is all about US .. about what we like and how we feel .. and if that means getting down and dirty sometimes, then so be it!! You have expressed yourself very well and I take my hat off to you for going ahead and posting this. Besides all that, this page is totally gorgeous!! I love it!! hugs xx

  2. I couldn't agree more!! I'm so sick of the 'perfect moments, perfect life' embellishments! My life is far from perfect, but it's MY LIFE! I love your honesty and your designs. I too design some of my own for the EXACT same reason. I'm sick of the fluff. It's time to be real. Go YOU!


Would love to hear your thoughts - so leave some love HERE :)