03 February 2013

So I've hit the big 3-0!!!

Tomorrow I celebrate my 30th birthday... I've been a bit reserved about hittin this one! There's alot of things I thought I would've accomplished by this milestone, but after a child-free night, great night with friends & a ridiculous amount of rum - it doesn't seem to be as daunting. As I picked my little boy up from my Mum's this morning, my anxiety melted away, because the fact of the matter is I wouldn't change one little bit! Sure, I wish I could go back & tell my 17 yr old self, not to wear your heart on your sleeve. But I clearly had to kiss all those frogs to find my prince charming & marry my best friend. I've just come to realise that yeah I would've like to have travelled a bit, but it would have been by myself - at least now I know I'll have someone at my side :)
So, now I just need to adjust the list to read 'In My Next 30 Years'...