15 June 2012

Papercraft Expo 2012 - I met Tim Holtz!!!

I went to Papercraft Expo in Brissy on the long weekend. What a blast - but I only had one mission....
to get a photo with Tim & an autograph. Which I did! Super excited, I was mad enough to take a bloody pram (I should've fitted a bullbar before going) - Riley & I pushed our way in & I got a happy snap. The poor bugger must feel a bit smothered though, but he's probably use to it. Brought lots & lots of goodies, I now have to find a home for them in my scrap room LOL!!! My little Riley was such a good boy all day - even though he was teething & feeling crappy :)

So in a matter of 2 months, I have met to of my scrapbooking idols!!